Mit Madagascar 3: Europe’s Most Wanted steht ein potentieller Sommerblockbuster vor der Türe. Mit folgendem Low Budget-Produkt hat DreamWorks aber rein gar nichts zu tun. Life’s a Jungle: Africa’s Most Wanted ist ein waschechter Mockbuster und will verwirrte Eltern, die es ja doch nur gut mit ihren Kindern meinen, hinters Licht führen.
Inhaltlich dreht sich die Geschichte um einen verwöhnten Hund, der von seiner Familie auf eine Safari in Afrika mitgenommen wird und dort von seinem Herrchen getrennt wird. Pip muss sich alleine durchschlagen, sich an die neue Umgebung und neue Tiere gewöhnen.
Ein paar User-Reviews von gefällig?
“It is utterly unbelievable that such a steaming pile of a movie could even exist.”
“Awesomely bad does not even begin to describe how awful this movie is. The animation is terrible, the acting is boring and unispiring, and the dialogue appears to have been written by a gradeschooler (no offense to gradschoolers). Actually, the animation looks like it was done by children as well. I would be ashamed if I was the producer and had my name attached to such a worthless movie. I spent $1.20 to watch this movie and even that price is highway robbery. I didn’t think movies could get worse than The Last Airbender, until I watched Life’s a Jungle. The bottom line…….don’t watch this movie unless someone is paying you lots of money to do so. “
“More like animation from 20 years ago, and they hadn’t even made animation yet, to me this is not expectable for publishing, SHOULD BE RATED CRAP standing for CRAP.”
“This is one of the worst movies I have ever seen. We watched it as part of a school movie night and the parents couldn’t wait for the movie to be over. It has some of the worst animation, dialog, music, and acting that I have ever seen.”